Wednesday, February 4, 2009

What Are The Safest Money Investments Available Today?

Let's be clear about this one fact: "There is no such thing as completely safe investing." There are, however, a number of very low risk investments available to investors - but again, none are entirely risk free.

This blog is dedicated to answering questions that I am regularly receiving from people wanting to know where they can find "the best low risk or safe investments in today's economy."

These questions range from "what are the safest money investments available?" to "what are the best high yield safe investments?" - but they all involve the central themes of low risk and asset security.

And who can blame them? The global economy is on tilt, largely being driven by the United States, the world's financial core. Stock markets are experiencing significant devaluations, financial institutions are defaulting left and right, the foreclosure market is rampant and the price of oil has plummeted. Sound like Armageddon?

What's an investor to do? What is the safest place to invest money today? Is it possible to find high yield safe investments anymore? Or should I just keep my money in my mattress where it won't lose value? Oops! What about inflation? Even in my mattress I'd be losing money!

For answers to these questions and more, please stay tuned!

For FREE independent financial advice about safe investing and retirement, visit my website at: I specialize in the safest money investments and the best HIGH YIELD safe investments, particularly in raw land development. (Please fill out the Contact Form on my website if you have questions that the website couldn't answer.)

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